Case Studies

We helped a leading global electronics brand improve data-driven user experience to enhance the customer conversion rate

Data & AI
Data Analytics
South Korea

Enhance conversion rates through improved website design. Explore how ADA's Data Solution Dashboards analyse user experience and uncover valuable patterns

The Results


The Execution

The customer is the service arm of a leading global consumer electronics brand.

However, they had no concrete proof on how the website user experience affected service conversion rates. Previous attempts to improve the user experience was only based on qualitative analysis and was not backed up by data.

ADA helped by validating the quantitative analysis using internal UX experts benchmarking against competitor’s websites. We established an always-on monitoring system to facilitate design improvements to the website.

Subsequently ADA developed Data Solution Dashboards to pinpoint specific UI areas for improvement, analyzed user experience bottlenecks affecting user journey goals, and identified patterns for non-converting customers.

The data insights were the foundation for ADA’s UX redesign and website improvement plans.

Our Approach

Summarizing qualitative consulting with industry benchmarking​

​Analyzing data to pinpoint issues and devise effective solutions​

Recommended new web UX design derived from comprehensive qualitative and quantitative research​

We developed a robust demand forecasting model leveraging advanced techniques including ARIMA, SEM, and Fb-Prophet, complemented by a user-friendly Excel tool for stakeholder convenience.

The Supply Chain and Growth teams now have access to a bi-weekly updated tool, providing a comprehensive overview of inventory levels at various tiers. This tool empowers teams with the flexibility to adjust and place inventory orders based on specific targets and requirements.​

By enabling decision-making based on data-driven insights, our solution equips the Supply Chain and Growth teams to make more informed choices. This scientific approach enhances operational efficiency and ensures strategic decisions align with mathematical logic, driving sustainable business growth.​

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"Our direction for the upcoming version is clear-cut, free from ambiguity and uncertainty, thanks to the solid backing of real data." – Seohyeon Lee, Task Owner, Information Strategy

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