Case Studies

We assisted a prominent regional company in enhancing their contract management process, resulting in significant time savings​

Data Analytics
Data & AI

Boosting productivity: ADA assists a biotech firm, saving time through improved contract management​

The Results​



The Execution

In the fast-paced realm of biotechnology, strategic decision-making is imperative for success. Our client, a prominent biotechnology company, is dedicated to pioneering scientific advancements to deliver life-saving medicines to those in need. ​

However, amidst their commitment to innovation, they faced a significant operational challenge: effectively managing contracts across diverse categories. ​

Recognizing the need for data-driven insights to streamline contract processing, our client sought to implement a robust Business Intelligence (BI) Dashboard. This dashboard would offer a comprehensive overview of contract categories and processing times, enabling informed decisions to optimize efficiency and drive operational excellence.​

The Approach

We developed a Business Intelligence (BI) Dashboard that offers a comprehensive overview of contract categories and processing times, enabling informed decisions to optimize efficiency and drive operational excellence, including matrix on​

Contract Management Dashboard

  • Summary of Contract by Status.​
  • Distribution of contract across owner organization.​
  • Contract distribution & USD value across business category.​
  • Dynamic charts whose X axis changes based on selection.​

Average Processing Time

  • Target metric for the dashboard.​
  • Track Average Processing time across Contract Owner Org, Workflow stage.​


  • Contract Value Growth over time.​
  • Contract Value Growth over time and contract category.​

Dashboard Visualizations Examples ​​

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