Case Studies

ADA used Consumer Profiler Insights to understand consumer attitudes, preferred platforms, and segmentation for a vaccine rollout

Data Analytics

A global pharmaceutical client used ADA's consumer profiling to target high-risk dengue areas for vaccine rollout, improving audience segmentation and engagement.

The client is one of the largest players in pharmaceutical industry with a global footprint in more than 45 countries and over 49,000 employees. The company is on constant pursuit of potentially life-changing treatments for patients, and recently introduced a new dengue vaccine.


Problem Statement

The client faced challenges in introducing the vaccines to the right target group without understanding who should be their key target audiences and what should be the key platforms to reach out to them.


ADA’s consumer profiler insights helped client to prioritize who is their key consumer target segment to reach out to for its vaccine rollout via profiling of different groups of consumers based on different geographical areas with high dengue risk. The profiling attributes include:

·      Demographics – Age group,affluence level, household with / without kids, etc.

·      Online interests – Gaming,social, communication, etc.

·      Places of interests –Entertainment, accommodation, education, commercial, etc.


With those insights, clients could identify

·      geographies / areas to ensure vaccine availability

·      The platforms to prioritize in ensuring a successful vaccine rollout

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